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Address:NO.44 Jiangsan road,baike industrial zone,baiyun district,Ghungzhou,China

What are the characteristics of high-fidelity audio?
Release Date: [2016/3/24 15:40:30]    Total read [2425] Times

What is the characteristics of high-fidelity, high-fidelity sound

High-fidelity sound mainly from: frequency response, signal to noise ratio, dynamic range, distortion, stereo resolution, stereo balance. These aspects of view. The following is a detailed description of these features.

1, the frequency response:

Refers to the frequency range of the audio equipment, and the relationship between the amplitude and frequency of the sound wave. General detection of this indicator to 1000Hz frequency range as a reference, and the logarithm of decibels (dB) as the unit to express the frequency of the amplitude. The overall frequency response of the sound system should be theoretically 20 ~ 20000Hz, but in actual use because of the circuit structure, the quality of components and other reasons, generally at least 32 ~ 18000Hz. The wider the frequency response range is, the better.

2, the signal to noise ratio:

The so-called signal to noise ratio refers to the sound system in the play sound source file generated when the new noise ratio. The noise is mainly thermal noise, AC noise, mechanical noise, etc., these noise directly affect the sound system playback effect. Consumers in the absence of test equipment, the power amplifier can be no input signal, the appropriate open large volume potentiometer, and then close to the speaker if you do not hear any noise, then the sound system noise is small, signal to noise ratio indicators it is good.

3, the dynamic range:

The dynamic range is the logarithmic &#118alue of the ratio between the maximum distortionless output power of the sound system at the time of reproduction and the output power of the system noise in static time, which is expressed in decibels (dB). General performance better sound system dynamic range of 100dB or more.

Guangzhou Leisound Electronic Co.,Ltd
 Mob.:+86-18620059581   Tel.:+86-20-86211473    
 SKYPE.:bamboo8007       QQ.:506181842
 Address:NO.44 Jiangsan road,baike industrial zone,baiyun district,Ghungzhou,China

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