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Computer speakers no sound how to do?
Release Date: [2016/3/17 15:36:19]    Total read [2407] Times

Computer speakers no sound how to do?

Poor contact

Sockets, signal lines and other poor contact will lead to no sound speakers, which is common hardware problems, computer speakers appear no sound situation, we should first check the cable, socket and speakers and other equipment is connected to normal, The possibility of.

2. Speaker problem detection

Under normal circumstances, we open the speaker, the speaker will be issued a "bang" of the boot sound, the speaker no sound, the first turn off the speaker, the volume point of the product to the maximum position, re-open the speaker, if the speaker has a "bang" , That speaker no problem, no sound phenomenon may be the sound card sound failure or driver problems, it may be muted or the volume is too small.

If you turn on the speaker power, did not send a normal boot sound, indicating that the speaker itself has failed. The reason for the failure of the speaker is more, such as burning out the capacitor or power amplifier tube, burn the speaker, etc., this hardware itself is damaged, the usual solution is to buy one.

3. sound card driver problem

This condition does not occur when the sound of the speakers often occurs after the computer reinstall the system, in which case the situation is that all external devices have no sound.

Detection and Solution: Right-click the "My Computer" icon, select "Properties" - "Hardware" - "Device Manager", open the "sound, video and game controller", if the front of the yellow "?" Sound card driver is not installed, then just re-install the sound card driver can solve the problem.

If you install the sound card driver when the "can not find the AC chip" prompt, may be due to illegal operation accidentally deleted the sound card driver, there may be computer poisoning, or internal software conflicts. In this case, only reinstall the system and drivers.

4. The sound component is not installed

The cause of this phenomenon is usually the speaker no sound and in the lower right corner also do not see the small horn icon, the solution to this problem is: open the control panel - add and remove the program - add delete Windows components, in the "attachment And the tool "before the tick, click" next ", and then follow the prompts to operate.

Guangzhou Leisound Electronic Co.,Ltd
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 Address:NO.44 Jiangsan road,baike industrial zone,baiyun district,Ghungzhou,China

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